Factoring Transaction System

Factoring Transaction System refers to a series of supply chain finance services provided by CEXIM through internet, designed according to our customer’s financial needs in supply chain management and in working capital for trading goods or service.  

Our Online Service: 

1. As a seller, you will be provided by CEXIM with domestic factoring; 

2. As a buyer, you will be provided by CEXIM with accounts payable financing.  

Benefits for Customers 

Facilitating Transaction Operations: The system establishes a platform for the seller, the buyer and CEXIM to share information flow, logistics and capital flow in supply chain management, integrating the data required by multiple parties and promoting an immediate success in financing from banks; 

Fast Information Communications: The customer can follow real-time status of transactions and be kept informed by text messages. 


The customer using factoring transaction system should sign an agreement with CEXIM; 

Your ERP system can be connected with our factoring transaction system directly, creating a paperless office.