Supporting Rural Revitalization

Exploring agriculture-related business in key areas. The Bank has taken into account and put into practice the principles outlined in the Central Rural Work Conference, and incorporated agriculture-related business into its main responsibilities and operations to better support the building of a robust agricultural sector and the modernization of agriculture, laying a solid foundation for business development. The Bank formulated the Rural Revitalization Work Plan for 2023 and the Key Supporting Areas for China Eximbank’s Agricultural-related Business to allocate more credit resources towards areas such as the import and export of agricultural products,the manufacturing of equipment for agricultural science and technology, and the construction of agricultural infrastructure. At the meeting on promoting rural revitalization, the Bank received on-site instruction from experts of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. The Bank utilised business performance evaluation to guide its agriculture-related business. Branches were assigned different tasks and indicators based on their regional differences, resource endowment and comparative advantages, ensuring a solid growth trajectory and a sound business structure. The Bank has recently collaborated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to implement more agriculture-related loan projects. This will help ensure the stability and security of the food and important agricultural products supply. As of the end of 2023, four of the 9th batch of overseas agricultural cooperation projects have been implemented, with a total disbursement of RMB900 million. The list of projects for the 10th batch has already been issued.   


Promoting paired-up assistance. The Bank, following General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions, prioritized paired-up assistance with a high political stance, following General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions. This approach helped Min County in Gansu Province, Yunyang County in Chongqing Municipality and Dingnan County in Jiangxi Province generate greater endogenous momentum for development and prevent large-scale return to impoverishment. This year, the top executives of the Bank have visited the aforementioned counties on three occasions. During these visits, they assessed the effectiveness of the paired-up assistance and engaged in discussions with the locals regarding their development plans. The Bank has increased its support to the counties by providing additional donations. Furthermore, it has appointed personnel with strong capacity to temporary posts in the regions to work on poverty alleviation. The Bank has also promoted industries with local features. In 2023, the Bank donated RMB25.75 million to its paired counties and launched 33 paired aid projects during the year, benefiting over 1.3 million people. In addition, the number of the Bank’s branches involved in the paired assistance was increased to 14, and an assistance integration mechanism consisting of investment promotion events, thematic training, enterprise docking as well as the two-way field visits of “inviting in” and “going out” was established, bringing RMB93.74 million to the counties. The Bank formulated the Work Plan for the Selection and Recommendation of Advanced Units in Rural Revitalization, encouraging its business units to use their professional advantages to provide better assistance. The Bank’s branches increased their support to the three counties by implementing seven loan projects with a total amount of RMB1 billion. The Bank utilized its expertise to support foreign trade. With the Bank’s assistance, Min County successfully promoted the new business model of cross-border e-commerce and achieved a breakthrough in the export of agricultural specialties. Similarly, Yunyang County established a new land and sea corridor in western China for the export of agricultural products. The Bank also practised “Party Building+” and encouraged Party members and cadres from the branches to engage in joint learning and party building with paired counties to consolidate the role of Party organizations at the grassroots level.